stars Brocnbells Hero

All features on Brocnbells are free, with a limitation of max 5 SweatBuddy requests per day to protect the community from spammers. You can become a Brocnbells Hero and help Brocnbells grow in your city. We invest 80% of your payment into ads to get more SweatBuddies to join the community in your city.

  • 🚀 help Brocnbells grow and improve by paying for ads in your city
  • ✅  get Brocnbells Hero badge in your profile
  • ✅  grab your unique username & profile address
Full price
Low commitment, you pay monthly. Great for trying out.
Save 46%
Same as $13/month. Commit for a 6 month healthy stint.
Save 63%
Same as $9/month. Commit for a full year and grow healthy.

Recurring billing, cancel any time. Payments and credit card details are handled by Stripe and will never be saved on our end.

Every Hero counts

Your support is what allows us to build and maintain this community, built upon a shared interest for health and growth. Subscriptions help the community grow and improve, without compromising your experience and content to advertisers.

Every dollar is an intentional investment to what we stand for. We are committed to creating a healthier, connected world where you can lead fulfilled lives with a healthy mind & body. To be the go-to corner of the web for forming real bonds with real people.

Digitally mindful Healthy technology


How does this work?

You can become a Brocnbells Hero and help the community grow and improve. 80% of your payment goes to ads to get more SweatBuddies to join the community. We will target the ads so they are relevant to your city and interests.


While we don't offer refunds for subscription payments, we welcome feedback and our team is dedicated to helping you find your best SweatBuddy to lead a healthy, fulfilled life. So give us a shoutout anytime: [email protected].