Introducing Brocnbells Ambassador: Jesse Timm

Authenticity. Community. Fun. Fully embracing the sweat life, the human body, and the importance of being healthy to thrive in his personal & professional roles - to lead his two beautiful daughters by example, as well as grow his business as an entrepreneur.
Meet silver fox Jesse Timm (@everydaydadathlete) - Minnesota born and raised! As a practicing chiropractor at spaces including Level Wellness, he's got the brains to match the brawn too. Jesse is also a lululemon ambassador and an avid runner.
"Life is more fun when you find a good group of people to share the things you enjoy. I am MOST excited about doubling down on two things I enjoy doing; working out and being a part of a community that values human interaction."
What keeps you busy?
A typical day usually involves three elements; personal well-being, work related tasks, and parental necessities. I try to move my body every single day. Some days, the workout can be as simple as an hour's walk or a float in the ocean. I also allocate time, even on my off days, to do something with work.
As an entrepreneur there is always something you can do and if you aren't working in your business, you can work on it. Similarly, even when my kids are not with me, I do have a focused time on parental duties.
I get excited when passion and adventure presents itself in a daily routine. What this means is that I am most often searching for it. Stay active while working towards something great and have fun doing it.
What does being healthy mean to you?
Health is a process of continual adaptation - of being ready for anything. I rarely turn down opportunities to be active and the only way to say yes to anything that comes is to be ready for anything; want to do a spartan race? Yes. Want to go to Bali to surf? Yes. My kids want me to throw them 1000 times in the pool? OK! Want to hike a mountain? Yes! Wakeboard? Yes... you get the idea.
Health is being balanced in work, family and personal well-being to a point where you can not only "manage" the challenges in life, but learn and grow from them and hopefully have more fun doing it.
What does social fitness and SweatBuddy mean to you?
Growing up I was always a part of a sports team. This was an extremely beneficial and fundamental part of my upbringing and character development. My teammates were from different backgrounds working towards different goals, but we were all in it together.
I now find this "team" mentality in social fitness and Sweatbuddies. Differences from the past, current life situations or goals are often times extremely personal; but when you get together as a group, we are committed to holding each other accountable.
What are some things you are interested in learning about or exploring right now?
I am most interested in learning how to maximally influence peoples' physical, mental and social well-being in a positive way. There are so many things out there that can help people get well and most often, it is a combination of therapeutic intervention and lifestyle improvements that help people get the best results.
I REALLY enjoy learning new things that I can teach to people one day. Right now, I am most infatuated with learning yoga and details about primal endurance athletic training.
Why are you looking to explore the more holistic approach; what helped inspire this in you?
We are not merely the sum of all our parts, but a dynamic and constantly changing system that is continuously responding to millions of stimuli. In the same way, we cannot fix problems by looking at them uni-dimensionally. We have to look at the entire system in order to see how to positively influence the whole.
I learned this from my chiropractor at a young age. He helped me ask different questions about health. At the same time, I was amazed by the complexities of the human body I was learning about in a high school anatomy and physiology course. I wanted to learn more then and I am still learning to this day.
As a health practitioner, what are some physical complaints you see that are manifested in the body because of emotional and mental issues?
People underestimate the impact mental and emotional stress can have on physical complaints. We all have a stress threshold and exposure to emotional stress affects stress hormones in the body that can contribute to pushing us over that threshold. This means we are more susceptible to feel and perceive pain & physical complaints.
Shoulder tension and headaches are a common problems associated with stress. Chronic fatigue is also a common physical complaint that is related to emotional and mental stress.
How do you hope to positively impact fellow busy individuals to be healthier and stronger mentally, physically and emotionally?
I hope to lead by example. I have kids and I am trying to grow a business. Both of these things require time and energy; but I know that my ability to perform in those areas is dependent upon my ability to be healthy.
The most difficult thing is taking the first step towards creating new habits related to a healthy life. I want to help people have fun in prioritizing their health & wellness goals in a manageable and achievable way.
What do you love about the health, fitness & wellness scene in Singapore vs. other places you've lived in (US / JKT)?
I love how accessible people in the community are. We are geographically small in addition to a relatively small population. This means that meeting and mobilizing is quick and easy. People are open to working together and all it takes is for someone to reach out to make it happen. I love seeing that in action.
The US and Jakarta are much bigger geographically and a lot more people so it is easy for people to get isolated in their own health and fitness journey because of the difficulty to get connected.
What is community to you?
Community is a group of people who show up. Support comes in many different forms and literally just showing up and being there is all it really takes. We don't have to know how to support each other in a community because every situation is different but the more we continuously commit to showing up together, the better we get and figuring that out.
No one was ever meant to do anything alone except develop a deep sense of self-love, self-respect and self-discipline; being around people who support you in that endeavour is a community I can get on board with.
Million dollar question - what is one message you wish to tell your daughters / women about men.
The masculine, macho, ego is a front. It is a protective mechanism created by a continuous societal influence to be tough, successful, and driven. Putting up a front and "being a man" is often more socially acceptable than being yourself.
Men aren't assholes because it's their true nature, they are assholes because of habit. Habits can be broken and authentic human interaction is possible even with an egotistical narcissist.
How has running & the running community helped you; and how do you want to touch the community with running?
Running has been a constant in my life since I was 10 years old. When I run, I am able to shift my mindset to one of gratitude because I love the freedom and ease of running; no gym, no equipment, just go. Even when it hurts, it is good to be outdoors moving.
I have had the tremendous opportunity to meet amazing people and connect through running. Running brings together people from all different backgrounds, of all different ages. I have learned a lot from people about running and life through this community and would like to do the same for the community here.
Running can be daunting but it doesn't have to be. Just like life, it is something that can ONLY be done one step at a time. Veterans and newbies alike start a run in exactly the same way; with one step. Coming together and sharing in the ease of this sport is something I love doing.
What can SweatBuddies expect in your sessions?
SweatBuddy sessions are about meeting people; so they can expect activities to get us all interacting. Exercise, even when difficult, should have an element of fun - so I try to make that happen.
I tend to think I am more funny than I really am and this manifests in bad jokes. So laughter is also something that is common. Whether it is with me or at me, I am usually not too concerned.
You can also expect to learn something about why I do the workouts I do. I have a fascination with how the human body works and continually try to make workouts most efficient for maximal benefit!